Urgh! My poor husband to be. I hear myself request such things and fear I sound a nag. But this is where it is. Where we are and where we are so happy. Nestled together in our shed and fully immersing myself in EVERY emotion. Here we cook, sleep, do the do si do to get to the toilet in the morning. This is where my heart has been yearning to be, so now it's here, I'm loving every ounce of its goodness and embracing every feeling, sweet and sour. Happy and sad, I'm just pleased we're doing it together.

I've been looking at Handfasting ceremonies today, a way of marrying Abe that will bring us together spiritually. There are two types of ceremony I am drifting toards; the 'year and one day', where we will renew our vows or the 'as long as love lasts' ceremony. Both of which appeal to me a great deal. I enjoy the idea of being able to follow our journey naturally, being true to our feelings. Of course we will work our hardest through the really shit times but if there ever comes a time that we aren't supposed to be together, then we are free to separate. (This is obviously something I do not even want to think about now - now I am in love and this is where I intend to stay. But who knows what our future selves will want). It gives us the freedom.
I like the idea of renewing our vows yearly. I really do. It'll refresh us and excite us and remind us each year of why we decided to come together.
I have been looking at places to join together spiritually. It gets me even more excited. There is a lovely farm near Constentine where a great deal of our very good friends live and work. Chyan...
It is a beautiful community where living in nature is key to their ethos. I love them and am forever inspired by them. Last night we visited and sat at the top of my friend's (Vicky and Andy) converted double decker big green bus where it was so cosy and warm. It reminds me so much of being on a barge with all of the beautiful wooden surrounds. Lovely lovely! We sampled some of Vicky's sushi. (I'm now a huge fan and plan on moving to Japan imminently). Vicky had made them so deliciously and puts so much love and attention in to her food that it's impossible for the food to not be absolutely delicious.
(This isn't a photo of Vicky's yumminess, I was too busy eating and enjoying it to be snapping photographs)
Yum, yum, YUM! And, unlike the roast I had been planning to gobble, this filled me up and made me feel great rather than filling me up and sending me to sleep. Idea for the wedding I think?!
So my connection with the place and people at Chyan is something that brings me to believe this will be a great place to marry Ib. And he is so peaceful here. His head switches from thinking about work (where he runs his own ermazing renewable energy co-operative which I am so so SO proud aboot) or any other stresses (ususally van/driving related. Or me dragging him to a car boot sale to sell all of my JUNK on his most favourite day of the week. Sunday. A day which would usually involve him and a) his bike and some hills b) a wander through fields looking for natural delights to inspire his mind c) surfing or b) all of the above. Definitely not selling tat at a car boot sale where the most bizaare bargain hunters race around with scary expressions and an unquenchable thirst for my rubbish). So, (a bit of the track there) Chyan, in all of its splendour would be tres bon. Tres, tres bon indeed.
But, there is also another option. A farm we stumbled upon one sunny Sunday afternoon. A gentle stroll took us to Goongillings farm. What a find! It looks out over the river and has previously had a small festival there to celebrate nature and the greatness of trees. It really was special. Moi avec Ib found ourselves, as the tide was out, tucked around the creek where no-one could see us watching birds and sitting and talking all about our future together. We have SO many plans. None pinpointed down. But our chatters about what we want from life and where we want to travel get us both excited and passionate and enthusiastic and and and... I cannot wait to get started!

This is Abe at Goongillings, on his phone... Always at work. Always. Though is may be hard to see, this is an endearing thing. I'm too proud of this man for words. I do wish that sometimes he wasn't under so much stress, but, that's what keeps him ticking along. It's what inspires him to do more. And that's how he inspires me.
Me: I am not like this. Nope. I make things, bake things, draw things and create things and enjoy a very simple life. We are yin and yang. And that is how we inspire each other.
Kabe Fest will indeed be special.
Lucy popped round for a brew earlier. (This is her...)
Such a beautiful spirit. We sat, we chatted, we ate ginger cake... for she is a beauty of a ginge and we supped on tea. I'm not sure how it came about, but we got onto the subject of this amazing creation

After it has been set up, the dome looks incredible and has a cheeky tunnel to crawl through to get to all of the fun that is within. If you too would like to hire such a thing for an event, get in touch with them at snowdomeicebar@yahoo
They also have access to the Cock n Balls Inn which is a double decker bus with sound system and bar. Just imagine yourself jiggling away on one of these!
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